Technical Notes

High Temperature GlovebagsMore Info
- Brendan
- March 29th, 2016
As many of you will know, my connection to Glovebags goes back to the days of Bestobell, when they entered an agreement with a UK company to manufacture bags here in Australia. This wasn’t a terribly successful venture due to the local manufacturing costs, limited market and a high royalty cost per bag.
R-values of Pipe InsulationMore Info
- Brendan
- July 14th, 2014
This note is intended to clarify how the r-values for pipe insulation materials are determined.
Off-gassing from Fibrous InsulationMore Info
- Brendan
- March 14th, 2010
We have had a number of queries recently over the fumes given off from both rockwool and fibreglass when exposed to “high” temperatures. Here is the explanation why this happens.